There Is Enough Wasted Electricity To Power All Cars In USA

I was confronted with a serious argument against Tesla cars (or electrically powered automobiles in general). It reads thusly: «If you replace all cars with Teslas the power grid will not be able to sustain the resulting tremendous surge of energy consumption». To me it sounds like a legit matter for a quick investigation, so here we go.
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What Would It Look like If The Web Developers Run A Grocery Store

Imagine, you enter a grocery store to buy a loaf of bread.
— Welcome to the Shop & Co!
— Hello. I am looking for…
— Where have you been recently?
— In a hardware store. Why?
— Do you use a car to get to us?
— No, I use a bike.
— Which model?
— XYZ123. Fucking Why?!
— Have you been to our store before? Any receipts?
— Nope.
— Where are you from?
— Me?! From Lithuania.
— Why do you speak English then?
— ...I don't know, I feel like doing so.
— May I speak Lithuanian?
— No way! just give me fucking bread!
— We are so sorry, we do not have Lithuanian bread right now.
— Can you give me any other goddamn bread!!!
— Nope.

This is exactly what happens every time you visit a website.

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A CERN Physicist Fails At Elementary Physics

Recently I had a conversation with a renowned CERN physicist Konstantin Toms. In this conversation, all of a sudden, he exposed himself failing to spot the difference between power and work. The conversation happened in a public place here:
it was performed in Russian, so I have to translate it for you, however, Dr. Toms is informed of this fact and is welcome to make his corrections if he has any.
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A Better SQL Security Approach

This is not only an SQL's problem, I am going talk about, this is a pretty general problem of all complex systems dealing with user permissions, however SQL constitutes the best possible illustration to the issue.The principal source of all evil is the generalized security policies, policies trying to cover the entire space of user actions by being formulated in basic general terms.
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